Definition and vision The spiritual and physical service and care for one another and for a needy and suffering people. The witness ministry which arranges in an organised manner the congregation’s responsibility to proclaim the gospel to the community in which the church lives and works as well as to the world at large. The equipment of congregations and congregants for the various ministries of service and witness which the church renders, according to individual circumstances.

Tasks Include: Developing policy and guidelines about

  • *   local and global mission and diaconal ministries
  • *   Service/Care Mutual and pastoral care Institutional Care (charity, relief, development)
  • *   Witness/Mission
  • *   Public Witness (politics. economy. civil society, media
  • *   Justice Human Rights, Peace
  • *   Violence and Crime prevention
  • *   HIV Aids
  • *   Integrity of Creation — Responsible stewardship
  • *   Mission (Service & Witness) in Unity DRC Family
  • *   Reformed Family
  • *   Global Mission
  • *   Ecumenism